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Razvojno podjetje A.L.P. PECA d.o.o. je v svoji opredelitvi nevladna in neprofitna organizacija. Je podjetje za razvoj in hkrati celovit servis za občane, podjetnike, podjetja, inštitucije in lokalne skupnosti. Delo podjetja je usmerjeno v prepoznavanje in spodbujanje razvojnih priložnosti v okolju in zagotavljanje ponudbe storitev na področju podjetniškega svetovanja, projektnega vodenja, pridobivanja finančnih sredstev iz nacionalnih in EU virov ter informiranja vseh ciljnih skupin prebivalcev.


Razvojni center A.L.P. Peca je bil ustanovljen novembra 1994. V regiji in širše je prepoznan kot razvojni element trajnega ter inovativnega napredka. Svetovalne ter informativne aktivnosti za uporabnike opravlja na podlagi dobrega poznavanja razmer v regiji in strokovnega osebja.

Področja delovanja

About us

A.L.P. Peca was founded in November 1994, while regular operations began in May 1995. In the region and beyond it has been recognized as an element of sustainable development and innovative progress. It carries out advice and information activities, especially for entrepreneurs, by means of statistical analysis, good knowledge of the situation in the region and professional staff. Since 2005, the company is a host structure of the Europe Direct (EDIC). We organized over 70 different events for specific target groups in the context of the priorities of the EU until 2014. In the last two years, in collaboration with the Office of the European Parliament in Slovenia, we prepared a civic forum, where we hosted Slovenian members of the EU Parliament. Since 2006 the company has successfully managed LAG Mežiška valley and this is a key contributor to the development of rural areas in Carinthia. In 2007, we organized an event at the national level, where the European funds were presented.


The company is structured as a non-profit company but it offers comprehensive services for citizens, entrepreneurs, companies, institutions and local communities. Part of activities is oriented into actions that recognize and stimulate development potentials of the Koroška region. We offer suggestions and recommendations on the fields of business, project management and EU funds.

Fields of activities


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